FAQ: Software Related Issues

What are some of the common problems we experience with SpectraMagic NX?

Quality control software allows users and managers to report, collect and interpret more data quicker than if doing so on the instrument itself. It is for this reason that many customers choose to purchase SpectraMagic NX software with their instrument.

In using the software we encounter some recurring issues that our customers experience. These can be grouped into a few categories:

  1. Problems connecting instrument to the software
  2. Windows Updates and drivers
  3. Illuminant and Observer disagree

What to do if I am unable to connect the instrument to the software?

This is a common issue and is fairly simple to resolve once you understand how to do it. As this is a problem that customers experience from time-to-time, we have created a number of blogs that investigate how to resolve these issues in complete detail.

We suggest that if you are not able to connect the instrument to the software, or you see a message stating, “No response from instrument” or “Communication Error” then you take the time to read through the following blogs for more information.

Start with the first blog and if you still can’t connect then read the other two.

As a helpful hint, we would always start with ‘Device Manager’ and finding the correct com port.

Still can’t resolve your problem?

If after reading this page you are still unable to resolve your problem, then we have a number of options for you.

  1. NanoSupport Session : Instant Support when you need it most
  2. Technology Transfer : Colour measurement technology competence training
  3. Narich Blogs : Resources and information relating to colour applications
  4. Contact Us : Here whenever you need Support

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