ECS – MARCH 2019


The international trade show for the coatings industry has been an amazing one this year, not only was it a great to have our very own Andrew Pienaar (Sales and Marketing Administrator from Narich Pty Ltd) attending the ECS (European Coatings Show) event alongside the Konica Minolta Sensing Europe Team. Which Included:  Bettina Buccheri, Andreas Ullrich, Christian Dietz, Jutta Albertin, Bjorn Hentschel, Nicole Pluetzer, Stefan Hinterlenchner, Mario Lauer, Urs Pratter, Phillipp Schnelle & Hannes Kernreiter.

Andrew Pienaar (Narich Pty Ltd) At the Konica Minolta Stand With Some Of The Konica Minolta Team.

Adding to that the ECS was a major success in bringing people together from across the world from different industries such as, paints, coatings, sealants etc. The amount of trade visitors according to the European Coatings Show website included scientists, R&D experts, CEO’s etc. was over 30 000 trade visitors from 124 countries (Italy, Africa, Asia, Netherlands). The exhibition areas were divided into 8 different halls at the Exhibition Center Nuremberg with 1 156 exhibitors from 46 countries (Germany, China, Italy, USA) to name a few.

At ECS 2019 *Taken from the European Coatings Show Facebook page*


ECS 2019 was an awesome chance for people from all over the globe to gather and see some of the latest innovations in the Coatings industry. Some of these innovations in the Colour and Appearance Measurement space were showcased on the Konica Minolta Sensing stand in Hall 5. Leaders in Colour Measurement and Matching, Konica Minolta had some exciting new instruments and developments to highlight.

Here we have created a summary of all that was on show at the Konica Minolta Sensing stand, in case any of you missed the action:

1. The Brand New CM-26d and CM-26dG Portable Spectrophotometers were officially announced and displayed for the first time at ECS.

This remarkable new series of Spectrophotometers offers customers a natural upgrade to their Portable instruments, but with improvements to the work flow process, usability and let’s not forget the technical improvements to Inter-Instrument Agreement and Repeatability, making this the most accurate Portable Spectrophotometer on the market.
Visitors to the stand were blown away by the interface of this instrument and many commented on it’s sleak ergonomic design. Konica Minolta have once again solidified their position as market leaders in Optical Measurement instruments.
If you missed this new instrument at the show and would like to find out more about it, contact us.

2. Colibri® Colour Matching and Prediction Software was on show. Giving customers a chance to see this powerful software first-hand.

Colibri ® is widely recognised as the market leading Colour Matching and Prediction software. It is used in many industries but companies in the Coatings and Plastics industries are most familiar with it’s benefits. The power of Colibri® comes from it’s Multi-Flux Algorithm which allows users to measure and predict opacity which in turn leads to optimal pigment loading. The benefits that Colibri® has on Colour Matching and Prediction are outstanding.
If you are in the Coatings or Plastics industry, contact us to view this amazing software and see how it can cut down your colour matching, formulation and correction time.

3. Rhopoint TAMS™ – Total Appearance Measurement System for Automotive Coatings 

This relatively unknown product is a Surface Appearance Measurement instrument. It does not measure Gloss. It does not measure Haze. The Rhopoint TAMS™ quantifies surface qualities like Contrast (C), Sharpness (S), Waviness (W) and Dimension (D). It then uses these properties to formulate the Quality and Harmony of individual panels of a vehicle. Simply put, this instrument determines whether two separate panels of a vehicle will be visually pleasing and match each other. This allows Automotive companies to group parts that should be assembled together and ensure that the final vehicle portrays a sense of Quality and to some degree, Luxury.
This really is a revolutionary product and there is nothing like it on the market. It’s simple interface and portable design allows it to be used along the assembly line.

Apart from the Konica Minolta software and hardware that was on show. Narich (Pty) Ltd represents a few companies that had a presence at the show.

4. Truly Unbelievable Innovations in the Paint Mixing and Dispensing market from ALFA Color Dispensers.

The ALFA colour dispensers stand was also on show in Hall 5. ALFA is an Italian company founded by a person with years of experience in the Paint Dispensing market. The founder of ALFA, Mr Rossetti, has developed a large portion of the technology that is currently used in the Paint Dispensing market. This innovation has continued at ALFA with their range of Dispensers and Mixers.
One of the most interesting developments in the ALFA range is a mini factory. The technology used in this mini factory is so revolutionary it could only be seen by special request and was not visible on the stand. It solves many of the challenges faced by Paint Dispensers such as calibration, cleaning and maintenance. With the ability to dispense pigments in micro units, this machine can dispense and mix Paint from 100cc all the way to 20L, with no absolute accuracy, no matter the size of the can. Absolutely remarkable to see the future of dispensing first-hand.

Many of the people that visited the ALFA stand could not believe that this was possible and this is when seeing truly is believing.
The ALFA Master System will allow Paint Companies to save TiO2, Bases as well as pigments used to tint paint.

We believe this to be the way paint should be made and if you would like to speak to us about the system, contact us.

All in all, ECS was a great show as it showcase some of the truly amazing innovation in this market.
At Narich (Pty) Ltd, we firmly believe in CREATIVE INNOVATION and only promote systems and products that are in line with this statement. At ECS, CREATIVE INNOVATION is all we saw from the companies we deal with as well as the products we promote and sell.

Speak to us about full COLOUR AND APPEARANCE SOLUTIONS, from Hardware, Software, Support, Service and Training.