Interested in learning more about Colour Grading of Flour?

Download your FREE copy of the Flour Grading Manual when you tell us how your mill currently grades flour?

Colour grading of flour has come a long way since the first Kent-Jones (KJ) system.
Complete our survey and tell us how your mill grades flour and maize.

After completing the survey you will receive your copy of the Flour Grading Manual via email.

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Company email*

    Contact number*


    What methods do you use to colour grade flour and maize?*

    What constraints and limitations do these methods have?*

    Are you aware of the financial and operational benefits that the Konica Minolta CM-5 colour grading solution provides other mills?*

    Would you be interested in an on-site demonstration of the CM-5?

    *Mandatory fields

    **Demos will only be done at a Company site within the Republic of South Africa