Worried about the colour of the bun in your oven?

Control baking processes and colour using a BC-10 Plus Baking…

How to download, upgrade and install SpectraMagic NX quality control software?

Follow these steps to upgrade or install SpectraMagic NX software. SpectraMagic…

Always use the AC-Adapter supplied with your Konica Minolta instrument

Don't damage your device - Use the correct AC-Adapter. We have…

OceanView License activation issues and how to resolve them

OceanView is a powerful desktop spectroscopy software application…

Utility software for Chroma Meters – All good things must come to an end

CR-S4w Utility Software for CR-400/410 Chroma Meters may not…
What is food sensing?

What is Food Sensing exactly? Discover all you need to know about food sensing right here!

Why do food manufacturers measure the colour of food? By measuring the colour of ingredients and final products, food manufacturers are able to: Control and improve quality and consistency Predict shelf life Reduce waste through Right First Time manufacturing principals Eliminate uncertainty and reduce risk Detect adulteration and authenticate raw materials Maintain consistent quality standards Improve the appearance of food Meet different markets colour requirements Optimise production steps to reduce costs and increase output

Technology made simple – Handling and maintaining glassware

Technology made simple - Glassware The best technology…

Measuring human emotion

High quality surfaces, from mobile phones to high end automotives,…

Mediation – Settle colour difference disputes

Settle colour disputes with customers and suppliers with mediation Colour…

Measuring beverages and liquids – A practical example

Effective ways to measure beverages and liquids There still…