The textiles industry is a complex chain for suppliers and producers. By the time a garment reaches the shelf it has gone through numerous stages to get there. Each of these stages require objective colour measurement to objectively control the colour of the final garment, this all starts with Fibre, Yarn and then Fabric.
Fibre, natural or synthetic, is often bleached or dyed to create a base colour to work with. Once the Fibre is dyed it is woven or knitted into yarn, again the yarn can be bleached, dyed or treated, this again affects the colour of the fabric. After being woven into fabric a garment can then be sent to a CMT for further processing.
At each stage in the initial steps of the garment production, colour can and should be measured and controlled. The textile industry faces many problems relating to the colour of final products, ensuring that you get a constant colour of the final product often occurs during these initial stages.
Colour measurement can assist the textile supply chain in the following ways:
- Measure the colour of yarn, fibre and fabric
- Measure the colour of dyes and bleaches during production
- Reduce debates around colour
- Detect the effects of OBAs on textiles
- Identify adulteration and contamination of textiles and dyes
Contact us to discuss which instruments will be suitable for your requirements.